To walk by faith, to be a voice of hope, and to be known by love

Sermons from 2021 (Page 2)

Genuine Faith: Concerned Sharing – What a Disciple of Jesus Gives – October 10, 2021

Come, O Spirit, Fill Your Church, Making Strong Our Worship & Mission! Gathering and Adoration PRELUDE                            “Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying” WELCOME  *CALL TO WORSHIP (Based on Psalm 124 & James 5) If it had not been God who was on our side, the troubles of our world would have swallowed us whole. If it had not been God who was…

Genuine Faith: Caring Speech – What a Disciple of Jesus Says – September 26, 2021

Come, O Spirit, Fill Your Church, Making Strong Our Worship & Mission!  Gathering and Adoration PRELUDE                            “Come, Now Is the Time to Worship” WELCOME  *CALL TO WORSHIP (Written by Bruce Prewer) We come here today not because we are clever but because God welcomes the slow learners. We come here not because we are wise, but because God loves us in spite…

Genuine Faith: Compassionate Service – What a Disciple of Jesus Does Response – Sept 19, 2021

Come, O Spirit, Fill Your Church, Making Strong Our Worship & Mission!  Gathering and Adoration PRELUDE                           “Refiner’s Fire” WELCOME  *CALL TO WORSHIP Friends, don’t let public opinion influence how you live out your faith. God lives by different rules. God lifts up and honors the poor while sending the rich away empty. God’s favor is promised to those who love God. Love…