GATHERING & ADORATION PRELUDE “Blest Are They,” Worshipbook #526 WELCOME & ANNOUNCEMENTS We shine brighter and warmer today because you are here! Please be sure to sign the Welcome Book located on the inside of each pew. PSALM 30:1-5 (NLT)… “Weeping may last for the night, but joy comes in the morning.” *SING TO THE LORD “Graves Into Gardens” “Broken Vessels (Amazing…
GATHERING & ADORATION PRELUDE “In Jesus Name (God of Possible)” WELCOME & ANNOUNCEMENTS We shine brighter and warmer today because you are here! Please be sure to sign the Welcome Book located on the inside of each pew. *SING TO THE LORD “It Is Well” PRAYER RELEASING THE BLESSING (Tithes & Offerings) Offertory – “In the Morning When I Rise” On Communion…
GATHERING & ADORATION PRELUDE “God of Grace and God of Glory” Worshipbook #608 WELCOME & ANNOUNCEMENTS We shine brighter and warmer today because you are here! Please be sure to sign the Welcome Book located on the inside of each pew. *SING TO THE LORD “Build My Life” “Worthy of It All” *PRAYER & THE LORD’S PRAYER Our Father who art in…
GATHERING & ADORATION PRELUDE “I Trust in God” WELCOME & ANNOUNCEMENTS We shine brighter and warmer today because you are here! Please be sure to sign the Welcome Book located on the inside of each pew. *SING TO THE LORD “O Sing a Song of Bethlehem” Worshipbook #197 “Shine, Jesus, Shine” Worshipbook #195 *PRAYER MINUTE FOR MISSION – “Summer Camp” Laci Meneo…
GATHERING & ADORATION PRELUDE “King of Kings” WELCOME & ANNOUNCEMENTS We shine brighter and warmer today because you are here! Please be sure to sign the Welcome Book located on the inside of each pew. *SING TO THE LORD “Firm Foundation (He Won’t)” “I Will Follow” *PRAYER & THE LORD’S PRAYER Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy…
GATHERING & ADORATION PRELUDE “King of Kings” WELCOME We shine brighter and warmer today because you are here! Please be sure to sign the Welcome Book located on the inside of each pew. *SING TO THE LORD “How Many Kings” *INVOCATION INSTALLATION OF 2025 LEADERSHIP TEAM RELEASING THE BLESSING (Tithes & Offerings) Offertory – “Christmas Has It’s Cradle,” Women’s Ensemble (You’re welcome…
THANK YOU EVERYONE! BETTER & BRIGHTER FOR CHRIST TOGETHER! GATHERING & ADORATION PRELUDE “His Name Is Wonderful” WELCOME & ANNOUNCEMENTS FIFTH SUNDAY HYMN SING… Where You choose! Led by Don Lyle and Kris Magnuson PRAYER & THE LORD’S PRAYER Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in…
GATHERING & ADORATION PRELUDE “Soon and Very Soon, We are Going to See the King,” Worshipbook 750 WELCOME & ANNOUNCEMENTS THE LIGHTING OF THE ADVENT WREATH Donovan & Makaala Davies …But what if Micah is also talking to us, proclaiming, “But you, O Pleasant Community Church, from you shall come forth for me…” What? What might God be calling forth from us?…
GATHERING & ADORATION PRELUDE “God with Us” WELCOME & ANNOUNCEMENTS THE LIGHTING OF THE ADVENT WREATH Scott & Jackson Redfield … “With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation” (Isaiah 12:3). With joy you will remember that God’s salvation is already present among us. Faced with the troubles and the suffering of the world, we choose to live in…
GATHERING & ADORATION *PRELUDE “Come, You People of the Promise,” Worshipbook #130 WELCOME & ANNOUNCEMENTS THE LIGHTING OF THE ADVENT WREATH Scott, Colleen, and Jackson Redfield …and he will purify the descendants of Levi and refine them like gold and silver, until they present offerings to the LORD in righteousness” (Malachi 3:2b-3). In a world driven by a passion to maintain the…