One of PCC’s core values is “Being Children and Youth Oriented” meaning we try to be intentional about including children and youth in the life of the church rather than making it an atmosphere that is only for adults. Any volunteer working with youth must have up to date background clearance on file with the church office.
During Sunday School, the youth (6th grade-12th grade) have their own class.
Get Immersed in God’s Word! By Connecting with God, Building Community, and Growing Deeper in Faith!
Beginning, Sunday, January 19, both our ADULT AND YOUTH SUNDAY COOL CLASSES will return to the IMMERSE Bible resource, THE PROPHETS.
Prophets is the fourth installment of the six volumes of Immerse: The Bible Reading Experience… The Winner of the 2022 Christian Book Award for Bible of the Year!
The Prophets presents the First Testament prophets in groupings that represent four historical periods, beginning with the prophets who spoke before the fall of Israel’s northern kingdom (Jonah, Amos, Hosea, Micah, Isaiah), then before the fall of the southern kingdom (Zephaniah, Nahum, Habakkuk), around the time of Jerusalem’s destruction (Jeremiah, Obadiah, Ezekiel), and after the return from exile (Haggai, Zechariah, Joel, Malachi).
KID’S CLUB & JH YOUTH GROUP – Wednesday evenings, beginning Sept. 11 @ 6:00 pm.
We will begin with a light supper prepared by Jody Baker and Hannah Jean Swanson. Over dinner, we take a moment to celebrate birthdays . Following supper, the children and youth will break into their respected groups for a Bible lesson/discussion, silly and fun games, crafts, and seasonal service and mission projects. We are excited to announce that Michelle Srnka, Jodi Sadler, and Dawn Swanson are returning to work with our kids and youth, assisted by Jody Baker, Jennifer Johnson, and Hannah Dene Swanson.
6th through 8th Grades | Facilitated by Dawn Swanson
Our SH YOUTH (9TH-12TH) will continue to gather on Sunday evenings once-per-month, and participate in an occasional excursion/mission project (TBA).
Various special events for the youth include participation in the 30 Hour Famine, sponsored by World Vision; retreat at one of our church camps, Mission Meadows; UNITE – a national, week-long gathering of teens from all across the Evangelical Covenant denomination for discipleship, outreach and fun on the campus of the University of Tennessee. This event occurs once every three years.
During the summer months, Our youth participate in an outreach for youth in the community by organizing Ultimate Frisbee games at an area park. At times over 50 youth attend where fun is had by all, but more importantly, relationships are developed and strengthened.