Greetings and Happy New Year from the Swansons! We thank the Lord for our friends connected to Pleasant Community Church. What a privilege and honor it will be to serve as your pastor in this new season of ministry. I pray that God’s Spirit will help me care well, preach well, and demonstrate well the love and character of Christ. We plan to arrive at 51 Kamp Street in Warren on Monday afternoon, Jan. 20. My first day in my study is Monday, Feb. 10. Please stop by. Visitors always welcome! My first Sunday will be Feb. 16. As you continue to contemplate and commit to the New Year, I’m excited to learn Pleasant Community Church is offering the Immerse Bible Reading EXPERIENCE during the Sunday School Christian Formation hour on Sunday mornings and I want to encourage all of us to commit to it together. This resource has been very well received in small groups and churches across the globe, by seekers, beginners, novices, and veterans in the faith.
Happy New Year and God’s continued best in your life and service!
Pastor James A. Swanson II